Hyperstructural spiritcore linguistic-objects, Emanations from the narrative engine , Transcendent attractor at the end of time which underlieth all nature
Subject Children 7
- 515 Transmission 3D Model Composit Hyperstructures Distortion Abstract Xenomorphic 2008
- SPACE-A Hyperstructures Animation Storyboard Grid 2006
- IdentificationSystemDeath Hyperstructures Composit Logoform Phototreatment 2004
- WWWeakness Composit 3D Model Hyperstructures Abstract Typographical Treatment 2003
- P®ODUCT Hyperstructures 3D Model Composit Silhouette 2002
- 515 Geometry 3D Model Hyperstructures Colorless / Duality Abstract 2002
- 7Q Hyperstructures Composit Typographical Treatment 3D Model 2002